Get Fired Up: Lee's Summit T-Bone Croquet Tournament Registration Now Open
/LEEʼS SUMMIT, Mo.—On Saturday, May 5, the Midwest Croquet Association fires up the 2018 MCA Nine Wicket Series at the Leeʼs Summit T-Bone Croquet Tournament at Howard Park.
Tournament registration is open now. To sign up, contact tournament organizers Ron Millican ( or 816-510-9395) and/or Greg Adams (816-516-3262), or visit the Facebook event page. Please indicate your preferred division — Pro, Gold or Silver.
DEADLINE FOR SIGN-UP: Monday, April 30, at 5 p.m.
Starting time: 8:30 a.m.
Lunch: Food and drinks are included with entry
Address: 3498 NE Independence Avenue, Leeʼs Summit, MO
Registration fees:
MCA members: $25
Nonmembers: $30
Join the Midwest Croquet Association today. Or please arrive at the tournament early if you want to sign up for your 2018 MCA membership on site.
As of April 24, the following players have registered to compete at the 2018 Lee's Summit T-Bone Croquet Tournament:
- Matt Griffith
- Billy Bob Breeden
- Greg Clouse
- Dylan Goodwin
- Greg Adams
- Ron Millican
- Deborah Millican
- Steve Jackson
- Ellie Griffith
- Brevin Millican
- Cade Millican
- Darin Watson
- Justin Marciniak
- Jodi Adams
- Wanda Jackson
- Debbie Breeden
Reminder: Jersey Pickup at Pinstripes
/If you are interested in picking up your jersey at 7 p.m. Tuesday at Pinstripes, please email so we can reserve the right amount of space. You may also pay tournament and membership fees and sign waivers there.
Members may also pick up their MCA jerseys on site the morning of the Lee’s Summit T-Bone Croquet Tournament. If you cannot attend either jersey pickup or the Lee's Summit T-Bone Croquet Tournament, your jersey will be mailed to you.
Pinstripes is located in the Prairiefire shopping center on the southwest corner of Nall Avenue and 135th Street in Overland Park.
Jersey Pickup: Tuesday Night at Pinstripes
/Register Now for 2017 Lee's Summit T-Bone Croquet Tournament
/LEEʼS SUMMIT, Mo. — On Saturday, May 6, the 2017 Midwest Croquet Association Nine Wicket Series gets cooking with the Leeʼs Summit T-Bone Croquet Tournament at Howard Park in Leeʼs Summit, Mo.
Tournament registration is open now. To reserve your spot in the event, email MCA president Dylan Goodwin at, or visit the Facebook event page. Please indicate your preferred division.
DEADLINE FOR SIGN-UP: Tuesday, May 2, at 6 p.m.
2017 MCA Premium Jersey Deadline Approaches
/For Midwest Croquet Association players and fans that want to go all in to support the croquet mission here in the midwest, the 2017 Premium Membership deadline is Wednesday, April 5, 2017, at midnight. The sign-up form is located here and does not require immediate payment. The MCA will invoice you later.
Notes on the Premium Membership:
- $95 - Includes the Couples/Family Membership
plus custom MCA Jersey - Additional jerseys can be purchased at $40 each for Premium membership accounts
- Women's cut offered for 2017. Please specifiy on the form. See PDF for Women's cut.
- Discounts on entry fees to MCA Nine Wicket Series events
- Free entry to the MCA Championship in September for members that qualify
- E-Newsletter subscription
2017 MCA Spring Notes
/As we rapidly roll into the 2017 season, here's a brief rundown new developments for the 2017 MCA season ...
MEMBERSHIP DRIVE IS OPEN: 2017 MCA membership is open and forms for Basic/Family and Premium (Jersey) membership can be found under the Membership page.
TULSA AC INVITATIONAL: Croquet Network has announced an Association Croquet event to be held April 21-23, 2017 at LaFortune Park in Tulsa, Oklahoma. MCA member Billy Bob Breeden is spearheading the event and more info is available under the calendar entry on Croquet Nation.
MISSOURI OPEN SET: MCA president Dylan Goodwin has finalized Saturday, July 8, 2017, for the Third Annual Missouri Open to round out the 2017 MCA Nine Wicket Series. The event will again be held at Eagles' Landing Golf Course in Belton, Missouri.
2016 Jersey Pickup: May 11
/Click to ZoomFor premium members wanting to pick up their 2016 jersey's prior to Saturday's Lee's Summit tournament, we will have a pickup available at Fred P. Otts in Overland Park, Kansas this Wednesday night from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The address is 6700 College Blvd, Overland Park, KS 66211.
Players may also pay their Lee's Summit T-Bone tournament in advance at the jersey pickup if they prefer.
For those unable to pick up jerseys Wednesday night, they will be distributed prior to the tournament on Saturday.
2016 MCA Premium Jersey Members
/2016 MCA Premium Membership Deadline
/2016 MCA Membership Drive is Open
For members that want to go Premium with the Official 2016 MCA Jersey, the tier is offered at $85 for either a singles or family/couples membership. The Premium Level includes one jersey and allows family/couples accounts to add additional jerseys at $45 each. The deadline for Premium Level enrollment is March 22, 2016.
For full details and membership forms please visit the MCA Membership page.
- Annual Membership to the MCA provides discounted pricing to all MCA tournaments
- MCA members that qualify play in the MCA Championship for free
- The MCA Six Ball Championship is free to all MCA members
- MCA members receive the MCA Report eNewsletter
2015 Premium Membership Deadline: Today -- March 29
/The Midwest Croquet Association is pleased to report that Premium (Jersey Level) Memberships have already hit the target goal. For those still thinking about it, today (March 29) is the deadline as the jersey order will go in this week. If you want to sign-up, email Dylan Goodwin at
More information on the Premium Membership is available here: