KC Open Pro Report: Challenging Selection
/Player Report by Dylan Goodwin
The 2019 Kansas City Open offered a tough selection challenge for the Pro Division with two blocks of four only advancing one player each to the championship. The format came about with the available court space at Kactus Creek limited to one court.
Era of Domination Continues
/Matt Griffith put an exclamation point on his fourth straight MCA Pro Nine Wicket Series win as he took me down 26-24 in yesterday's final at the 2018 MCA Championship at Kactus Creek Croquet Club in Parkville, Missouri.
In reality, Griffith had pretty much claimed the 9WS Series by the time the final started as he held a 30-point lead at the start of the game. I did make a go of it with an out-game approach with blue, but it didn't take Griffith long to get in and wrap up the Cup chase by taking yellow through wicket #3.
KC Open Pro Report: Swiss Battle Royale
/Event Cancellation: Missouri Open
/2018 Missouri Open Entry List
/Tracking entries for the 2018 Missouri Open at Eagles's Landing set for Saturday, July 14, 2018. Entry deadline is Monday, July 9, 2018.
01. Dylan Goodwin
02. Greg Clouse
03. Matt Griffith
04. Steve Jackson
01. Justin Marciniak
02. Ellie Griffith
03. Wanda Jackson
01. Valerie Andruss
02. Jim Ratzlaff
AGM Highlights: Jackson is New President
/The 2018 Midwest Croquet Association Annual General Meeting held at the eCafe in Overland Park, Kansas, on January 27, 2018, achieved the primay goal of transitioning to a new president. Steve Jackson from Kansas City has taken over the role from Dylan Goodwin who served for five years.
The transition was the central part of the meeting discussion and an interesting twist occurred as a new vice president position was created which Ellie Griffith taking that role. The idea is that adding another member will help with the workload for the president and also ensure of smooth succession in future years.
Griffith Rules MCA Pro 9WS
/2017 MCA Championship Finals Results
/BELTON, MO -- The MCA wrapped up the 2017 season yesterday at the Country Club of Loch Lloyd in Belton, Missouri. Championship game scores are below and links to the full knock brackets follow. Full report and photos to be posted later.
PRO FINAL: Matt Griffith 26, Dylan Goodwin 15
GOLD FINAL: Steve Jackson 23, Ellie Griffith 12
SILVER FINAL: Darin Watson 24, Cade Millican 15
PRO BRACKET: challonge.com/17mcaprochampionship
GOLD BRACKET: challonge.com/17goldchampionship
SILVER BRACKET: challonge.com/17silverchampionship
2017 MCA Championship at Loch Lloyd Line-ups
/MCA Championship Headed to Loch Lloyd
/2017 KC Open: Griffith Clinches Pro 9WS
/2017 KC Open: Early Pro Report
/PARKVILLE, MO -- Matt Griffith took the 2017 Kansas City Open Pro Division title with a tight 19-17 win over Billy Bob Breeden at Kactus Creek Croquet Club in Parkville, Missouri. Griffith has now won three of the four Kansas City Open Pro titles and a record seven MCA Pro titles. Griffith advanced to the final after a 23-16 win over Dylan Goodwin. Breeden made it to the final after winning 24-22 thriller over Greg Adams in the semifinals.
Tomorrow the action resumes as the Gold players will hit the courts at 8:30 a.m. look to gain slots in the final eight for the MCA Gold Championship in September.
Millican Smashes the Pro Ceiling
/Breeden Collects Another KC AC Title
/The Kactus Creek AC Invitational sponsored by CroquetNetwork.com was originally scheduled for Tulsa, Oklahoma, but with minimal interest the event shifted gears and switched to the Kactus Creek Croquet Club in Parkville, Missouri. On relatively short notice, five players chose to join the fray and battle it out April 21-23, 2017. The reward for these brave AC warriors was Friday start in "November-like" conditions, but the event saw improving weather each day.
The first two days were a round-robin that eliminated one player to set up a four-player knockout on Sunday. Matt Griffith worked through the block with a 4-0 record to take the top seed in the knockout. There he advanced with a 26-2 semifinal win over Ron Millican, who still needs some convincing on the merits of AC. Billy Bob Breeden took down Dylan Goodwin 24-4 with ease in the other semifinal. That set up what proved to be an interesting final between Griffith and Breeden.
2017 MCA Spring Notes
/As we rapidly roll into the 2017 season, here's a brief rundown new developments for the 2017 MCA season ...
MEMBERSHIP DRIVE IS OPEN: 2017 MCA membership is open and forms for Basic/Family and Premium (Jersey) membership can be found under the Membership page.
TULSA AC INVITATIONAL: Croquet Network has announced an Association Croquet event to be held April 21-23, 2017 at LaFortune Park in Tulsa, Oklahoma. MCA member Billy Bob Breeden is spearheading the event and more info is available under the calendar entry on Croquet Nation.
MISSOURI OPEN SET: MCA president Dylan Goodwin has finalized Saturday, July 8, 2017, for the Third Annual Missouri Open to round out the 2017 MCA Nine Wicket Series. The event will again be held at Eagles' Landing Golf Course in Belton, Missouri.
2017 MCA AGM Notes
/2016 MCA Six Ball Championship: October 9
/CLEVELAND, MO -- The MCA has announced that Bill Berg has agreed to host the 2016 MCA Six-Ball Croquet Championship on Sunday, October 9, 2016 at the Cleveland Croquet Club. The original event was scheduled for September 16, 2016 at Markey Park in advance of the MCA Championships, but steady rains that day delayed court markup.'
The event is free for all full MCA members and is $10 for non-MCA members and will start at noon. Each player will be put into a qualifier with the top finishers advancing to a six-player final. Lunch will not be provided at the event.
If you would like to signup for the event, RSVP through the Kansas City Croquet Club Facebook Event Page or contact Dylan Goodwin at kccroquetclub@gmail.com. Deadline for sign-up is Thursday evening at 8:00 p.m.