2016 Kansas City Open Pro Division Schedule

Times and block assignments for the Pro Division for the 2016 Kansas City Open at Kactus Creek Croquet Club in Parkville, Missouri are below. The top two seeds from each block move into the Pro Playoff. Block winners will be seeded 1-4 by season points total. Second place block finishers will be seeded 5-8 by season points total.
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2016 Kansas City Open Registration

PARKVILLE, MO -- The deadline for 2016 Kansas City Open to be held July 30-31, 2016 at Kactus Creek Croquet Club in Parkville, Missouri is today (7/25) at 6:00 p.m. For more details on the event see the information page.

To reserve your spot in the event, email kccroquetclub@gmail.com or visit the KC Open Silver-Bronze Facebook event page or the KC Open Pro-Gold Facebook event page. Please indicate your preferred division if you email.

Current commitments (updates will be made here): 

Dylan Gooodwin
Matt Griffith
Bill Berg
Greg Adams
Ron Millican
Deborah Millican
Greg Clouse
Billy Bob Breeden
Jason Johnson 
Robert Fournier (7/25)
Paul Miller (7/25)
Matt Smith (7/25) 

Josh Reed
Jodi Adams
Steve Jackson (7/25)
Ellie Kemp 

Ellie Kemp
Di Berg
Gabe Airrington
Cade Millican
Brevin Millican
Justin Marciniak 
Darin Watson 
Shari Cullinan (7/25)
Wanda Jackson (7/25)
Annika Jackson (7/27) 

Third Annual Kansas City Open Registration

The 2016 Kansas City Open will be held July 30-31, 2016 at the Kactus Creek Croquet Club in Parkville, Missouri. This will be the third edition of the KC Open and the format calls for the Silver and Bronze Division to play on Saturday with the Pro and Gold Divisions playing in the marquis slot on Sunday. Start times for both days are projected to be 8:30 a.m., but that could be adjusted if entries exceed expectations.
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Clouse Roars Back

When the MCA Nine-Wicket Series launched in May of 2013 with the Stilwell Open, Greg Clouse was there. He took that first title with an 18-16 win over Dylan Goodwin in the final. Since then Clouse made many appearances in MCA 9WS finals, but had to settle for runner-up status each time.
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2016 Missouri Open Winners

BELTON, MO -- The 2016 Missouri Open rolled out on schedule yesterday morning at Eagles' Landing Golf Course in Belton, Missouri. A full report and photos will be posted in the near future, but here are your winners across the four divisions:

PRO DIVISION: Greg Clouse 19, Greg Adams 15
GOLD DIVISION: Steve Jackson 19, Nathan Oberg 18
SILVER DIVISION: Gabe Airrington 21, Josh Reed 18
BRONZE DIVISION: Brevin Millican 21, Cade Millican 6 

2016 Missouri Open Gold Schedule

BELTON, MO -- Times and block assignments for the Gold Division for the 2016 Missouri Open at Eagles's Landing Golf Course in Belton, Missouri are below. The Gold Division has a 10:30 a.m. start. The top two seeds from the block will play in the final. All players are guaranteed three games.
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2016 Missouri Open Silver-Bronze Schedule

BELTON, MO -- Times and block assignments for the Silver and Bronze Division for the 2016 Missouri Open at Eagles's Landing Golf Course in Belton, Missouri are below. The top two seeds from each block move into the Silver Playoff. The third place finishers will play in the Bronze Playoff. All players are guaranteed three games. All players will have a bye in the  morning. Wanda Jackson, Josh Reed, Bryce Millican and Di Berg get the first round bye.
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2016 USCA Nine-Wicket Nationals

Five MCA members made the trip to Denver to play in the 2016 USCA Nine Wicket Nationals held June 17-19, 2016, and hosted by the Denver Croquet Club. Matt Griffith finished as runner-up in Championship flight to champion Paul Bennett. In First Flight, Bill Berg collected the second place prize as he finished as runner-up to Charles Berberich. 
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2016 Missouri Open Registration

BELTON, MO -- The 2016 Missouri Open at Eagles's Landing Golf Course is ready to roll out for year two on Saturday, July 9, 2016, with four courts. Sunday is reserved with consideration for high entries, but all efforts are being made to consolidate the event to Saturday only.

It is dependent on total entries, but the tentative plan is to start the event at 8:00 a.m. It is quite likely, we'll have some divisions take a later start.

With limited players in Bronze, we plan to consolidate Silver and Bronze. Essentially, players that do not qualify for the Silver playoff will shift to the Bronze playoff (similar to how Pro/Gold worked in previous years). 

To reserve your spot in the event, email kccroquetclub@gmail.com or visit the Facebook event page. Please indicate your preferred division.

DEADLINE FOR SIGN-UP: Tuesday, July 5, 7:00 p.m.

Lunch: Not included -- the clubhouse does serve food and drinks, but coolers are not allowed on the courts.  
Address: 4200 Bong Ave, Belton, MO 64012
Rules: All divisions will now use the MCA Advanced Rules. Silver and Bronze will still play on a 50-minute clock. 

Registration fees:
MCA Members: $15.00
Non-members: $25.00

Event Updates:
Visit this page for updates on the Missouri Open:

Midwest GC Regional Ready to Launch

The USCA's Midwest Regionals is ready to roll in Kansas City this weekend with a golf croquet format and several MCA players in the line-up. The event will be played at Kactus Creek Croquet Club and the National Golf Club of Kansas City in the Parkville, Missouri. Thursday will be the practice day with game action running Friday through Sunday.
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Cleveland Rocks

The Cleveland Open certainly rocked the MCA Nine Wicket Series this past weekend as all four of the points' races saw new leaders at the top of the standings after this weekend's action at the Cleveland Croquet Club. The fun started in the Pro Division, as former USCA Nine Wicket National Champion Matt Smith came into the event with the idea of ending Matt Griffith's participated tournament win streak of six. Smith had a couple of MCA events under his belt, but the Cleveland Open is the first one where he planned to participate in the knockout round.
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2016 Cleveland Open Day One Winners

CLEVELAND, MO -- There was a lot of croquet action on day one of the 2016 Cleveland Open outside of Cleveland, Missouri today as the Pro, Gold and Bronze Divisions all competed today. All three divisions saw new winners.

PRO DIVISION: Matt Smith over Greg Clouse 20-10

GOLD DIVISION: Nate Benz over Jodi Adams 30-22

BRONZE DIVISION: Patrick Fagan 2-0, Gwyneth Bowen 1-1, Shari Cullinan 0-2

A full report will be posted at a later date, as we will continue with Silver play tomorrow morning with an 8:30 a.m. start.

2016 Cleveland Open Pro Line-up

The Pro Division for the 2016 Cleveland Open start swinging the mallets at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday morning with a three-round random draw format. Ten players will be looking for eight spots in the afternoon playoff bracket. The Pro Championship will take place at 3:15 p.m. on Center Court at the Cleveland Croquet Club. Methodology is explained below.
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2016 Cleveland Open Silver Line-up

The Silver Division for the 2016 Cleveland Open will be the featured event on Sunday with action starting at 8:30 AM. Nine players will be split into three blocks of three with the top two from each group advancing to a six-player playoff. All players will receive a bye in the morning, with Trevor Adams, Darin Watson and Justin Marciniak having a bye in round one.
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