AGM Highlights: Jackson is New President
/The 2018 Midwest Croquet Association Annual General Meeting held at the eCafe in Overland Park, Kansas, on January 27, 2018, achieved the primay goal of transitioning to a new president. Steve Jackson from Kansas City has taken over the role from Dylan Goodwin who served for five years.
The transition was the central part of the meeting discussion and an interesting twist occurred as a new vice president position was created which Ellie Griffith taking that role. The idea is that adding another member will help with the workload for the president and also ensure of smooth succession in future years.
2018 MCA AGM: Agenda Topics
/2018 MCA AGM: Overland Park
/Postponed: 2017 MCA Awards
/The MCA had hoped to start a stand-alone MCA Presidents' Awards event in 2017 and that was originally scheduled to be held November 10, 2017. The MCA is postponing the concept and looking for a launch in November of 2018. The 2017 MCA Presidents' Awards will be presented at the 2018 Annual General Meeting to be held on Saturday, January 27, 2018. Details on the location and time for the event should be available later this month.
Watson Gets Second Silver Championship Title
/Gold Championship: Jackson's Revenge
/Griffith Rules MCA Pro 9WS
/2017 MCA Championship Finals Results
/BELTON, MO -- The MCA wrapped up the 2017 season yesterday at the Country Club of Loch Lloyd in Belton, Missouri. Championship game scores are below and links to the full knock brackets follow. Full report and photos to be posted later.
PRO FINAL: Matt Griffith 26, Dylan Goodwin 15
GOLD FINAL: Steve Jackson 23, Ellie Griffith 12
SILVER FINAL: Darin Watson 24, Cade Millican 15
2017 MCA Championship at Loch Lloyd Line-ups
/Char Bar Cup Croquet Tournament: Tickets Still Available
/Plenty of slots remain to participate in the first Wicket & Peg Char Bar Cup croquet tournament, which begins in the evening on Wednesday, Sept. 13, at Char Bar in Westport.
To make sure we are successful in managing this three-week tournament, the MCA would like to ask all our members to take 20 minutes this weekend to spread the word to people you know who fit any of these criteria:
2017 MCA Championship Bracket Update
/If you haven't already, remember to accept or decline your bid to the 2017 MCA Championship today to help the MCA set the final brackets.
Here are the lists of players and their championship bid statuses as of 1 p.m. on Sept. 5.
Wicket & Peg Char Bar Cup Croquet Tournament Comes to Westport in September
/MCA Championship Headed to Loch Lloyd
/2017 States Shield Championship Schedule
/2017 USCA 9 Wicket Nationals Set
/2017 KC Open: Griffith Clinches Pro 9WS
/2017 KC Open Gold: Jackson's Perfect Day
/2017 KC Open: Early Pro Report
/PARKVILLE, MO -- Matt Griffith took the 2017 Kansas City Open Pro Division title with a tight 19-17 win over Billy Bob Breeden at Kactus Creek Croquet Club in Parkville, Missouri. Griffith has now won three of the four Kansas City Open Pro titles and a record seven MCA Pro titles. Griffith advanced to the final after a 23-16 win over Dylan Goodwin. Breeden made it to the final after winning 24-22 thriller over Greg Adams in the semifinals.
Tomorrow the action resumes as the Gold players will hit the courts at 8:30 a.m. look to gain slots in the final eight for the MCA Gold Championship in September.
2017 Kansas City Open: Schedules
/PARKVILLE, MO -- The 2017 Kansas City Open is set to roll out this weekend with 20 players lined out for battle at Kactus Creek Croquet Club in Parkville, Missouri. The Pro Division will start the action with at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday morning. Nine players will play in three blocks of three with six players advancing to the afternoon knockout. Matt Griffith, Dylan Goodwin and Billy Bob Breeden will all receive the early morning byes and have 9:45 a.m. starts. All players are asked to be on hand 30 minutes prior to their first game.
The combo Gold and Silver Division will begin play on Sunday morning and have an 8:30 a.m. start. The combo division will try a new King of the Mountain (KOM) format that will guarantee all players at least two games in Gold and should provide good opportunities for players looking to qualify for the MCA Gold Championship and for players competing for the top spot. Full details on the format will be posted later this week, but the opening matchups are listed below.
CT / Seed - Player v Seed - Player
SE: 1 - Steve Jackson v 5 - Ellie Kemp
SW: 3 - Brevin Millican v 7 - Wanda Jackson
NE: 2 - Justin Marciniak v 6 - Josh Reed
NW: 4 - Gabe Airrington v 8 - Cade Millican
Byes: Di Berg, Darin Watson, Jim Ratzlaff (9:45 a.m. starts)
- Please arrive 30 minutes prior to your first game
- Address: 13312 NW 76th St, Parkville, MO 64152
- All players should have at least 45 minutes for lunch
- Lunch is not provided; however, Kactus Creek has a refrigerator and grill on site
- Winners report/write down scores and both players should gather court equipment: balls, clips, timers and replace to the proper end of the court
- Games are 60 minutes and each player has three timouts
- The clock may be stopped interference for double-banked games in the final 10 minutes of the game
- Entry fee is $20 for MCA members, $30 for non-MCA members [More information about membership]
- Tournament manager is Dylan Goodwin --
The Gold-Silver Line-up had a slight error in order. The 2/6 and 3/7 games were slotted wrong. The names are the same, but the court positions have changed.