Midwest Croquet Association

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2014 KC Open Player List

PARKVILLE, MO -- The deadline for the Kansas City Open on August 2-3 is this coming next Tuesday at 10:00 p.m. Central time (July 29). You can sign up by RSVP on the Croquet Network event section ( Kansas City Open) or email Dylan Goodwin at  kccroquetclub@gmail.comClick here for more event details

Player list to date:

Dylan Goodwin
Greg Adams
Jason Johnson
Billy Bob Breeden
Ron Millican
Matt Griffith 

Bill Berg
Keith Berg
Jodi Adams - PRO consideration
Debbie Breeden
Deborah Millican - PRO consideration

Di Berg
Nate Benz (tentative)
Darin Watson
Jeff Bell
Gwyneth Bowen
Elizabeth Goodwin (tentative)
Steve Jackson
Wanda Jackson
Justin Marciniak