2014 Kansas Challenge Player List
LEAWOOD, KS -- The deadline for the Kansas Challenge on July 12 is this coming Tuesday at 10:00 p.m. Central time (July 8). You can sign up by RSVP on the Croquet Network event section (
Kansas Challenge) or email Dylan Goodwin at
Click here for more event details
The Silver Division is filling up nicely, but the Pro/Gold Division is a bit under-subscribed. If the usual suspects join in, we should have a full event. Player list to date:
Dylan Goodwin - P
Matt Griffith - P
Greg Clouse - P
Jason Johnson - P (7/4)
Greg Adams - P (7/6)
Ron Millican - P (7/6)
Brad Clouse - P (7/9)
Ron Millican - P (7/6)
Brad Clouse - P (7/9)
Bill Berg - G
Keith Berg - G
Jodi Adams - G (7/6)
Taylor Airrington - G (7/6)
Deborah Millican - G (7/6)
Keith Berg - G
Jodi Adams - G (7/6)
Taylor Airrington - G (7/6)
Deborah Millican - G (7/6)
Debbie Breeden - G (7/7)
Ellie Kemp
Gwyneth Bowen
Diane Berg
Nate Benz
Justin Marciniak
Elizabeth Goodwin - S
Jason Johnson has committed to play in the Pro Division.
Greg Adams, Jodi Adams, Taylor Airrington, Deborah Millican and Ron Millican have committed to the Kansas Challenge.
Debbie Breeden added to the Gold Division
Matt Griffith and Ellie Kemp are scratches.
Brad Clouse added to the Pro Division